Resend Failed/Error Workflow Notifications Mail Status: Message Type: Recipient Role: Notifications sent on or after: Notifications sent on or before |
Concurrnt program : |
Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data Item Type Item Key Age: Persistent Type: Temporary or Permanant Core Workflow Only: Y Commit Frequency: 500 Signed Notifications: No |
: |
select fcq.USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME Container_Name , DECODE(fcp.OS_PROCESS_ID,NULL ,'Not Running',fcp.OS_PROCESS_ID) PROCID, fcq.MAX_PROCESSES TARGET, fcq.RUNNING_PROCESSES ACTUAL, fcq.ENABLED_FLAG ENABLED, fsc.COMPONENT_NAME, fsc.STARTUP_MODE, fsc.COMPONENT_STATUS from APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_VL fcq , APPS.FND_CP_SERVICES fcs , APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES fcp , fnd_svc_components fsc where fcq.MANAGER_TYPE = fcs.SERVICE_ID and fcs.SERVICE_HANDLE = 'FNDCPGSC' and fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+) and fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id(+) and fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id(+) and fcp.process_status_code(+) = 'A' order by fcp.OS_PROCESS_ID, fsc.STARTUP_MODE; |
set pagesize 200; set verify off; col name format a20; col display_name format a40; col email_address format a50; col status format a8; col notification_preference format a25; col orig_system format a15; col orig_system_id format 999999999999; col start_date format a12; col expiration_date format a16; select name, display_name, email_address, status, notification_preference, orig_system, orig_system_id, start_date, expiration_date from wf_roles where email_address like 'K%' order by name where name like ‘%’; |
select subject ,notification_id ,message_name ,recipient_role ,status ,mail_status ,begin_date ,end_date ,due_date ,responder ,original_recipient ,from_user ,to_user from wf_notifications where recipient_role like '&user_name' order by begin_date desc |
SELECT email_address , nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, 'MAILTYPE') , notification_preference) FROM wf_roles WHERE name = '&recipient_role'; |
Send Event Raised -> Enqueued to WF_DEFERRED Queue --> Processed by Deferred Agent Listener --> Enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT Queue --> Processed by Notification Mailer and sent as e-mail; |
[SQL> select NVL(substr(wfe.corrid,1,50) ,'NULL - No Value') corrid , decode(wfe.state,0,'0 = Ready' ,1 ,'1 = Delayed',2,'2 = Retained' , 3 ,'3 = Exception' ,to_char(substr(wfe.state,1,12))) State , count(*) COUNT from applsys.wf_deferred wfe group by wfe.corrid, wfe.state;] |
[SQL> select NVL(substr(wfe.corrid,1,50),'NULL - No Value') corrid , decode(wfe.state,0,'0 = Ready',1,'1 = Delayed',2,'2 = Retained',3 ,'3 = Exception' ,to_char(substr(wfe.state,1,12))) State , count*) COUNT from applsys.wf_notification_out wfe group by wfe.corrid, wfe.state; ] |